Now before i begin, i want you, the reader, to know i am a huge Zelda fan. It's my favorite series; i own hylian shield, made by your's truly. The hyrule historia (limited edition) and a self made cell phone case (poorly done) and know meaningless trivia for most of the games. Ah fan-dom...
Ah glorious sweet Zelda merchandise.
Now like most Zelda fans, my favorite in the series is Ocarina of Time. It simply is amazing. A good story, great controls and bosses that are intriguing as well as nicely put together. Hell even the handhelds are amazing, and i'm not just talking about the new ones. My personal favorite handheld is minish cap, It was brilliant. I remember i was 12 and i spent the whole weekend non-stop playing this game, ah youth, i don't remember the whole story but i remember feeling such joy playing it.
By far my favorite sidekick a Link has had
I can go on and on about all the zelda titles i find different and appealing, like majoras mask... that game needs a remake, but I'm talking today about Twilight Princess...
Now before i start the tearing, i want you to know, i think Twilight princess has gotten too much praise for what we got. It simply isn't as good as many of the other games in the series. I don't care if you disagree, nor do i care if you think my reasoning is wrong; compared to the other games in the series, Twilight princess should not be in the top 3.
This got released on both consoles, I actually wish i had played this for Gamecube.
This game was the first Zelda title on the wii, but it was originally meant to be played on the Gamecube, so when you played it on the Wii many things were off. The wii motion controls were weird, swinging the sword while holding buttons to swing in a specific motion, you could tell the game wasn't meant for the wii. Not only that, the game is supposed to take place after the events of Ocarina of Time. But on the wii version, the whole world is flipped. Things that would be on the right are on the left and so forth (also personal prejudice, link was right handed in the wii one).
yes skyward sword did it too, but i didn't hate skyward sword as much as Twilight princess
That is only the first of the problems i have with this game. Second it copies so much from Ocarina of Time. Chronologically, twilight princess was released 2 games after Ocarina of time, after Majora's mask and Wind Waker, and those two games didn't follow Ocarina this much.
And winner by default! IS!
CDI Zelda! OH BOY!
(if you really require the answer to the VS. i got bad news for you)
Entering into this place without seeing what it looked like before is... eugh, also there's no daytime
When i first got to hyrule field and saw the vast openness, in the twilight, i lost all interest in replaying the game. All i remember from hyrule field was the fact it was huge, unbearably huge. In Ocarina of Time the field was big, colourful and had peculiar sights to see, but in Twilight princess it felt huge with nothing in it to see, and nothing to sight see. Many areas are blocked off from the start so to make sure you follow the set path. Now yes i know all zelda games have done this, Blocking off certain areas till you get bombs or hookshots whatever. But from what i remember in Twilight Princess, you could only really go in one area at the start. In Ocarina of Time you could essentially go anywhere, while very, very specific areas were blocked off.
This is the entirety of Hyrule field, all in one map. Pretty big but it's populated and there are things to see. |
In this map the "Hyrule field" is seperated into 3 parts. Yep, 3 huge maps with nothing in them, actually i'll be fair, They lack things of proper size to fit the hugeness of the map.
Now zelda games have usually had the "Recover the land" type of thing to return things to normal and such. Twilight princess does this as well, personally i love that mechanic. BUT, in other games they show you before hand what the place looks like for you to look forward to fixing the whole area. When i walked into hyrule field i saw dark and black. If i was a first time player of this game, i'd be like "I don't like this place". You have to show the area before bad things happen, so you get a sense of what you lost.
The dungeons felt a little too adult like for my taste. I get that they were trying to mature and give the game a dark feel, but i feel out of all the zelda titles, it sticks out the most. Each game has had characters you fall in love with, and im not talking about main characters. For me, Majora's mask would be the "malon clones", Ocarina of time, music man an so forth. But in twilight Princess the characters shown pretty much have a bland persona. Zelda is seen as the princess who lost everything and is so depressing, links childhood friends get kidnapped and if i remember correctly his love interest loses her memory. I wouldn't mind as much if they were a bit more "alive". From what i remember my favorite character was the woman from Kakariko village who drives the cart. I don't even remember her name.
(lady from kakariko village) Now the real reason i remember her is because she hugs link so hard he gets sucked into her breasts and he gives a look of desperation for freedom. Exaggerating a little bit.
Now i do not, I repeat, Do not hate this game. Its like Justin beiber, you don't really hate him, you hate his fans (wait, no i really do hate him) [god this statements gonna bite me in the ass someday i know it]. But seriously, i hate most of the people who worship this game. Twilight princess was good yes, but not that good. When i meet people who are zelda fans and they instantly tell me about Twilight princess, i instantly know what type of fan they are. Band-wagoners. Twilight princess came at the perfect time for new people to get into the series, and for that i'm glad people love it, but please do not worship the game. Midna was cool, not amazing (neither was navi but still).
Recently i got a Zelda belt-buckle. It looks pretty cool i admit. Generic zelda design on the front, gold and green. Though, once you flip the buckle over the logo on the back is "Legend of zelda: Twilight princess". Why does a generic zelda buckle have a specific game title on the back? I'll be honest if the buckle had Ocarina of time, i'd still be confused. Its generic, it should just say "Legend of zelda". I digress.
Why does something like this need to have a "Twilight Princess" logo on it?
Overall, Legend of zelda twilight princess was a good game. It brought new things to the table, and kept other aspects as well (some really easily comparable to ocarina of time), it is not close to my favorite game in the series nor will it ever be. Does it mean others shouldn't worship it?
Words cannot express my feelings accurately