
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. SNES

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. SNES

Zelda Rating: 8.9/10
Difference from Prior Zelda Games: Side-quests, Important Npc's, detailed storyline
Using The Console: Multiple (two) item slots to use in comparison to 1.

My first Zelda game I called mine, Not my siblings.

This game was the first Zelda game i owned and could call mine. I slapped that puppy in the Super Nintendo and man, can i say that that intro music is just nostalgic goodness to my ears. And after playing a Link between worlds, i have to say, the classic game is still as beautiful as ever.

I honestly don't know where to start with this game, it was and is simply beautiful. It has tight controls, graphics, at the time, were pretty good and the storyline was great for this game, not too much where you wanted to skip everything, but not too little that you had no idea what the hell to do. I'm looking at you Zelda 1 an 2.

So the big difference, when the game came out, was that this game didn't seem to be connected to the first two in any way. The idea in the first game is that Ganon has destroyed and ravaged hyrule, that is why there are no towns. Afterwards people start rebuilding, thus in Zelda 2 there are villages, multiple ones. Many speculated where it would go on the chronologically, but it soon just became too much as later installments came out, some thought the games were never connected... UNTIL THE HYRULE HISTORIA.
What? Can't read Japanese? Well thats ok the important parts are in English.

As seen in the Huge picture above, Link to the past is technically a prequel, but years and years before the first two games. 

The game starts out quite differently than the first two, whereas you simply just start and wander around with no direction but the manual telling you the story, this game starts off with you being asleep and Zelda's voice calls out to you to rescue her from the castle Fungeon Dungeon. 

So you set off on a mission to save a person you've never met, you a random kid who lives with his uncle. Through hardships you eventually Pull out the legendary blue sword of death Light. Which, trivial information, this is the first game that included this mighty blade, and called it "the Master Sword".

You continue on to the castle where an evil wizard has captured Zelda, and you go to the chamber where he resides to do battle. An Epic final battle, Wizard Vs guy who has a lot of time on his hands. And how do you defeat him? Well there's really two ways, one the boring canon way, and two the lolsy more extreme non sensible way. 
This man earned the trust of the King. Does no one have any Evil Radar senses? Look at him, diabolical hand gesture. Check. Red coat dyed with the blood of the innocents. Check. Grey skin? Check!

For everyone to understand i will explain both ways to fight the evil final boss wizard of evilness. Now the Master sword can reflect light type magic, and whattya know, the wizard shoots lightning magic, and you swing your sword and reflect it back at him. 

Now that you understand how that works, you could also use, a Bug Net. Just swing that baby like you're catching bees. 
The Bug net, Same properties as a magical sword that can reflect light magic.

After this point, SURPRISE the game goes on. The evil diabolical wizard sends you to a dark world, Ooooo. and from there on you must save some crystal ladies and go fight the REAL final boss. Ganon.

The story line is firm and well made, and there are many tiny things in the multiple dungeons that just make this game amazing.

The game's Dungeons and Temples are very unique and you really do get immersed in your own way. Compared to the last two games where the Temples and dungeons were just recolours, these ones are wholly themed experiences. 

This game, I find, introduced Side-quests. Finding bottles under the bridge, getting a bug net to catch bee's (ok not a side quest), and little things here and there to improve your arsenal. But while not only side quests that made this game so unique, but the gambling and minigames. Race here, Race there, and "OPEN A CHEST, MAYBE YOU'LL GET MORE MONEY THAN WHAT YOU PAID" hated that game... 
Grammar, who needs that stuff. 

The world itself is amazing, especially when you have to venture to the Dark World, where Ganon resides. Link loses his form and turns into a bunny. It's so odd but quite appealing, and until you get a magical orb, you'll never get to be yourself in the Dark World, and as a bunny, you can't use your sword.

There are many things i can write about this game, about how good it is, about how well it pulled things off, how well it introduced others. But the one thing i will leave this post at, Is the 3rd Temple boss.
This is by far the hardest boss in the game.
It may not look like a hard boss, for those who've never played this game, but by god i'd rather fight any other boss twice over than this guy once.

He moves randomly, and if he hits you, there's a high chance you're going to fall off  the edge to the room below, and if that happens, the music stops, he regenerates all his health back and you have to hope you can kill him this time before he knocks you back down and you have to do it all over again...

...I get knocked down, i get up again... 

-Brought back Top-Down Zelda
-Introduced side quests and fun NPCs
-Tough and challenging bosses, Unique
-Third Boss is ridiculous
-I can't think of another Con for this game, because seriously it was a well done game, and if you died, it wasn't the games fault. Except for the Third boss

And now i leave you off with Links Canon Hairstyle colour.
Link and his Pink hair. He can save the world, one strand at a time.

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