
Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Legend of Zelda, NES.



This week i'll review every Zelda game i've played. Sadly while i call myself a fan i still haven't played a couple games in the Zelda series, those titles being, Oracle of ages/seasons, Links awakening and Spirit tracks. 

So you can expect me gushing reviewing and loving all the Zelda games and pointing out why they're so great.

...Except Twilight Princess... If you want to read that already done and posted review, it's been up for a while. Spoiler alert, i didn't like it.

Now i'll be rating these games on a Scale of 1 to 10, now a 4 isn't equivalent to a 4/10 from other sites, this is a 4/10 in comparison to these zelda games. If you want my rating of the zelda games right now, to me are all 10/10. 

I will also be using a "Difference from prior Zelda games" and "using the console"

And with that, lets begin.

The Legend of Zelda. NES

Zelda Rating: 7/10
Difference from prior Zelda games: N/A
Using the console: Implemented a saving feature.
The Title screen that started it all

The Legend starts here, from even before you get your sword to when Ganon disappears into pixel bits. 

The first game in the series to ever come out, and does it hold water to today, Yes. Considering the fact i got this game on my 3DS (i had it on my NES at one point as well) and played it, and loved it again. 

The style for their first game was top down, to see the whole world, and the only time that changed was when you had to go into the basement of some dungeons. 
Link and his sword made out of wood. YA! 

The game was and still is confusing as ever, because you had to figure things out for yourself at the time and this game wasn't a story driven, simply because all the story you needed was either in the manual or in the giant text block before the game. 

Does that mean it's impossible? Heck no. Just means you gotta bomb every cliff you find, oooor go find a guide somewhere, hell there's tons of them now. 

The Naming of the character Link to be named Link, warning trivial information coming, was because the developers wanted the character to be the link, like to link something together, from the player to the video-game world. That idea has still been passed on through the games, but has become much more elaborate and thought out. 
Link, it wasn't his name at the time, but his own class of character. The more you know.

The game did something not many other games had done at the time and that was a save feature. This battery powered save feature made it much more accessible to stop the game and play another time. It also paved the way for the developers to make a longer game with tiny secrets everywhere without the fear it would go unnoticed. After the save feature was known the Password system in games slowly started dying out and made way for save features.

One of the first games to use a save feature,
lengthy game (compared to that of the time),
Tough bosses,
amazing world with actual different well made areas, multiple, different and unique items for exploration and fighting.
Easter eggs, naming your character "Zelda" made you start "Second quest" the harder version of the game

No actual direction given (but really if you can't figure it out i feel bad for you son)
A little confusing at times because of translation errors

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