
Friday, January 3, 2014

Zelda II: Links Adventure. NES

Zelda II : The Adventure of Link. NES

Zelda Rating: 5/10
Difference from prior Zelda games: Legend of Zelda; Camera angles, Level up system, Towns
Using the console: No difference from Prior game

Oh boy, this game was the first Zelda game i had ever played. I remember watching my older siblings play this game, as i was too young to understand how to push buttons appropriately at the time... 
Gold Box and a Gold Cartridge, Classic

I remember this game being so dark and weird. I had no idea what the game was about but that the person sleeping in the bed was Zelda and you were a person in green, Probably Link. I never beat the game as a child sadly, but i own the game now and can say this game was a perfect sequel. 
Losing in this game meant Ganon comes back and kills everyone. Well Shit.

Many believe that Zelda games follow a formula, Go to dungeon, get item, beat boss with item. While that is true for some games, many don't see the other formula Nintendo uses for Zelda games. Each of them reinvents the game in some weird quirky way, which i will get to over the course of these reviews.

In The Adventure of Link, you find out that Zelda from the first game wasn't really Zelda and you have to save a new Zelda by claiming the ancient power of the Triforce, But what? You already reformed the triforce of wisdom, and Ganon had the Triforce of Power. There's only 2?! Ok enough i know no one fell for that, I mean the word TRI kinda also means 3... Well Spoilers ahead, link has to battle to the end to receive the Triforce of Courage.

The first game in the series to really say that Link isn't just an ordinary guy, but chosen by fate.
So the game follows a interesting path for the most part, you start in a room where Zelda sleeps and must travel throughout Hyrule, visit towns and Temples (Not dungeons) in order to place jewels to unlock the final Temple where you can receive the Triforce of Courage. 

One of the more interesting things that has not been used since this game, was not only the Level system, but the fact that items are strictly exploration. All the items Link acquires are all used to help him get further on the overworld map but not in battle.
Get hammer, Break rocks, Do not use hammer on enemies, Do not pass go, Do not collect $200

 But what does he use in battle you ask? Well his sword, shield, and multiple spells he's learnt from wizards living in basements. ...Yea i never understood that either.
Gee, thanks Mr. Old wizard in a basement! Pew pew, fire sword!

So Links arsenal in this game are, exploration items, A multitude of spells (Many help with exploration as well, but not strictly to overworld map) and a leveling up system to increase your Health, magic meter and sword strength.

This game i have to say out of the whole entirety of the Zelda series has never been remade, or redone like this. Where link grows as he fights everything, as compared to when he grows when he picks up heart pieces from bosses or pieces by exploring, or upgrading the sword through side quests. 
Which to level, which to level, save up for attack power? Or just level life right away, oh the choices.

Now for the one thing that i adore about this game, the thing that just makes this game the PERFECT sequel, is the Final boss. 

Dark Link, or Shadow Link, whichever you prefer.
Purple background, Black outline of you, This is just perfect.

So Links goal was to acquire the Triforce of Courage, what other way to test yourself against yourself?

I found this the most remarkable way to end the game, No ganon fight, no beast from the beyond. Just you, and you. The shadow knows all your moves and deals a lot of damage. And i gotta say, if fighting a shadowed version of yourself doesn't warrant a Shiny Triangle that represents courage. I don't know what does. 

-Reinvents the game by turning the whole thing on it's head, Level system, sidescroll fighting and items only for exploration.
-Last boss is not Ganon
-Really feels like each monster helps you grow (cause it does)
-Unique and interesting addition to how you acquire the Triforce, and how it comes to existence
-So bloody hard, when you have to level up to do better, and when you die you lose exp (needed to level) it becomes a tedious level grind
-Many people are really confusing, especially in the villiage where some people turn into bats...
-When you die you have to backtrack all the way to the place you were at, and that may sound easy enough, but good god is this world huge.

On that note I end off with I am Error

1 comment:

    I never finished this game.. I literally was at the end, but I never got to ShawLink!! It was a spoiler for me. Now I MUST re-play the game.
